西口 規彦
西口 規彦(にしぐち のりひこ) 副学長・理事・教授
昭和58年3月 北海道大学大学院工学研究科応用物理学専攻博士課程後期修了
- 日本物理学会誌編集委員(平成18年4月~20年3月)
- 応用物理学会理事、代議員、北海道支部長(平成26年4月~28年3月)
- 2014年第75回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会実行委員長(平成26年9月)
- 北海道立室蘭栄高校SSH運営委員(平成21年4月~22年3月)
- フォノン国際会議実行委員(Phonons 2001,2001年8月、Dartmouth College)
- ECI国際会議実行委員(Innovative Nanoscale Approach to Dynamic Studies of Materials、2006 Okinawa)
1984/4-1987/3 北海道工業大学 教養部 講師
1987/4-1987/5 北海道工業大学 教養部 助教授
1987/6-1993/7 北海道大学 工学部応用物理学科 助手
1993/8-1995/6 北海道大学 工学部応用物理学科 講師
1995/7-1997/3 北海道大学 工学部応用物理学科 助教授
1997/4-2007/3 北海道大学大学院 工学研究科応用物理学専攻 助教授
2007/3-2008/10 北海道大学大学院 工学研究科応用物理学専攻 准教授
2008/11-2010/3 北海道大学大学院 工学研究科応用物理学専攻 教授
2010/4-2020/3 北海道大学大学院 工学研究院応用物理学部門教授
2020/3 北海道大学名誉教授
2020/4-2021/3 北海道大学大学院 工学研究院院応用物理学部門 特任教授
- N. Nishiguchi,”Electron transport and phonons in quantum wires”, Chapter 8 in Vol.3 of the Handbook of Semiconductor Nanostructures and Devices, edited by A. A. Balandin et al. ( the American Scientific Publishers, 2006) pp.359––408(2006)
- N. Nishiguchi,”Study of a Nano Electromechanical Single Electron Transistor with Numerical Methods”, Statistical and Condensed Matter Physics: Over the Horizon edited by Shigeji Fujita et al. (Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2007) pp.173––185(2007)
- N. Nishiguchi and T. Yoshihiro, “A tunable acoustic filter using disordered systems”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 60 072004 (2021).
- T. Yoshihiro and N. Nishiguchi, “Mode-conversion effects of phonons on Anderson localization”, Phys. Rev. B vol.100, 235441(10pages) (2019).
- A. Yamamura, K. Oka, and N. Nishiguchi, “Alignment accuracy of gradient-index rod lens in an array”, Optical Engineering, 58(8), 085102 (2019).
- N. Nishiguchi and M. N. Wybourne, “Phonon modes in a Möbius band”, J. Phys. Commun. 2 085002, 2018.
- Yukihiro Tanaka, Yukito Shimomura and Norihiko Nishiguchi, “Acoustic wave rectification in viscoelastic materials”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 57(3) (2018):034101.
- Yukihiro Tanaka, Shunsuke Tomioka, Yukito Shimomura, and Norihiko Nishiguchi, “Propagation of elastic waves in two-dimensional phononic crystals composed of viscoelastic materials”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 56, 034101 (7pages) (2017).
- Yukihiro Tanaka, Nobuharu Okashiwa, and Norihiko Nishiguchi, “Interface acoustic waves at the interface between two semi-infinite phononic crystals”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 55, 104302 (8pages) (2016).
- Yukihiro Tanaka, Daichi Kono, and Norihiko Nishiguchi, “Rectification of elastic waves in beams with rectangular cross sections”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 55, 104301 (13pages) (2016).
- Yukihiro Tanaka and Norihiko Nishiguchi, “Effects of elastic anisotropy on acoustic-wave rectification”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 55, 014303 (10pages) (2016).
- Y. Tanaka, T. Murai, and N. Nishiguchi, “Rectification of elastic waves in a thin plate”, J. Appl. Phys. 111, 024507 (7pages) (2012).
- S. Danworaphong, T. A. Kelf, O. Matsuda, M. Tomoda, Y. Tanaka, N. Nishiguchi, O. B. Wright, Y. Nishijima, K. Ueno, S. Juodkazis, and H. Misawa. “Real-time imaging of acoustic rectification”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 201910 (3pages) (2011).
- N. Nishiguchi and M. N. Wybourne, “Phonon Effects on Electric and Thermal Properties in a Single Electron Transistor”, Chinese Journal of Physics, vol.49, 221(2011).
- N. Nishiguchi and M. N. Wybourne, “Effects of breathing and oblong mode phonons on transport properties in a single-electron transistor”, Journal of Physics: Condens. Matter vol.22, 065301(1)-(12)(2010).
- S. Mizuno and N. Nishiguchi, “Acoustic phonon modes and dispersion relations of nanowire superlattices”,Journal of Physics: Condens. Matter vol.21, 195303(1)-(11)(2009).
- N. Nishiguchi, “Shuttle instability induced by an ac gate in a nanoelectromechanical single electron transistor”, Physical Review B Vol.78, 085407-(1)–(9)(2008).
- Ramya Krishnan, S. Shirota, Y. Tanaka and N. Nishiguchi, “High-efficient Acoustic Wave Rectifier”, Solid State Communications Vol.144 Issue 5-6 pp.194-197 (2007).
- S. Shirota, Ramya Krishnan, Y. Tanaka and N. Nishiguchi, “Rectifying Acoustic Waves”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 46 Issue 41-44 pp.L1025—L1027 (2007).
- K. Imamura, Y. Tanaka, N. Nishiguchi, S. Tamura and H. J. Maris, “Lattice thermal conductivity in superlattices: molecular dynamics calculations with a heat reservoir method”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter Vol. 15 Issue 50 pp.8679-8690 (2003).
- N. Nishiguchi, “Elastic deformation blockade in a single-electron transistor”, Physical Review B Vol. 68 Issue pp.121305(R) (1) —(4) (2003).
- N. Nishiguchi, “Electron transport properties of C60 single electron transistor”,Physica E Vol. 18 Issue 1-3 pp.247-248 (2003) IF=3.176 TC=4
- N. Nishiguchi, “Shot-noise-induced random telegraph noise in shuttle current”, Physical Review Letters Vol. 89 Issue 6 pp.066802 (1)¬-(4)(2002).
- N. Nishiguchi, “Gate voltage dependence of a single-electron transistor using the shuttle mechanism”, Physical Review B Vol. 65 Issue 3 pp.035403 (1)-(10)(2002).
- N. Nishiguchi,”Electron scattering by surface vibration in a rectangular quantum wire”,Physica E Vol. 13 Issue 1 pp.1-10(2002).
- N. Nishiguchi,”Dynamics of linked moveable nanoparticles coupled to electron transport”, Physica B Vol.316-317 pp.441-445 (2002 ).
- N. Nishiguchi, “Electron transport in an array of movable metal nanoparticles”,Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1 Vol. 40 Issue 3B pp.1923-1926(2001).